High-rise building "Wolski Niebotyk". It is located on a triangle-shaped plot limited by Leszno streets, al. Solidarności and st. Towarowa. The main functions in the building are offices, in the ground floor and in the "Karcelak" area - service functions. At the top of the tower there is a restaurant with a viewing platform. Underground stations located at st. Towarowa, and a three-level garage.
Purpose and utility program of the facility.
The offices are located in a wing along Leszno Street and from the 4th floor in the tower of the building. The area of a typical repeatable storey is approx. 2,200 m2, including 1,750 m2 for rent. Access to the offices in the wing is provided by two vertical communication shafts. Offices located in the high-rise part are served by passenger and passenger and goods lifts intended for rescue teams located in the structural core of the building.
The entrances to the staircases in the wing are from Leszno Street and the courtyard. To the high-rise part from Towarowa Street and the courtyard.
The services are located in the "Karcelaka" space and in the passages leading to the building. They are also located on the ground floor of the building and are accessible from all sides of the building, in particular from the courtyard which is a public space with greenery and small architecture.
A three-level underground garage for a total of 480 cars. Entry / exit takes place via two two-way ramps with a 15% gradient.
The garage is closed with two garage gates on the 1st floor level. The parking level is connected with the overground part by enclosed staircases with lifts. Staircases are separated by ventilated atria, closed on both sides with EI 30 doors. Parking spaces with dimensions of 2.3 mx 5.0 m are located perpendicular to the maneuvering routes. The garage also provides parking spaces for disabled people with dimensions of 3.6 m x 5.0 m
There are 3 EI 120 fire barriers in the garage, closed in case of fire. Dividing the garage into separate fire zones. The bulkheads are controlled by a fire alarm system.
Technical rooms, including: heat distribution centers, water connections, room trafo and seperator rooms located on the underground floor. All technical rooms in the garage are closed with doors with resistance EI 60.
Service rooms with a sanitary facility (security, building administration) are located on the ground floor near the main hall.
The main hall is accessible through the entrance located from Towarowa Street. The entrance / exit for users of the tall part of the building leads through the main hall. The lobby is monitored 24/7 by security staff from an adjacent room.
The wing is accessible through entrances from ul. Leszno and the courtyard, the wing is not functionally connected to the tower and has two communication cages, separately monitored by security guards.
Characteristic technical parameters.
- Plot area - 11,879 m2
- Building area - 5993 m2
- Underground storeys - 3
- Number of overground storeys - 58
- Total surface:
- underground = 27063 m2
- above ground = 138132 m2
Σ = 165195 m2 - Trade service area - 5126 m2
- Trade service area ”Karcelak” - 3485 m2
- Cubature - = 756635 m3
- Balance of parking spaces
The plot provides parking spaces (40 parking place in the area and 480 parking place in the underground garage) according to the rates of 5 parking place / 1000 m2 of usable office space and 10 parking place of service area / 1000 m2 of usable area.
Balance of parking spaces:
- Office space - 104538m2
- over usable service - 5126 m2
- number of parking spaces 520